Archive for the ‘Regulation’ Category

Network Performance Score

Wednesday, August 9th, 2023

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The single score for network QoE

The QoE-centric Network Performance Score (NPS) is a single metric that characterizes the overall network performance. The NPS compares the quality of mobile networks and visualizes the quality of experience (QoE) that the end users perceive when using common applications. This benchmarking approach covers all mobile networks in the tested area.

Mobile network operators can use the NPS

  • as a management tool: “I want my team to improve the network quality by x points over the next y month.”
  • to create marketing claims: “Best network”; “Fastest network”; “Best for streaming services”; etc.

Infrastructure vendors and service providers can use the NPS

  • to visualize a competitive advantage: “Networks using our infrastructure perform better than xy.”
  • to generate more business: “We can help you to win next years’ public benchmark.”

The NPS is integrated into the Smart platform and is the ideal point of reference for facilitating benchmarking and reducing the complexity of targeted improvements in network quality and performance.

In August 2019 the global telecoms standards organization ETSI released the technical report TR 103 559 which defines best practices for network QoS benchmark testing.

Network performance score

The scoring challenge – which score should be used?

  • Many different proprietary scores have swept the market over the last few years. The market is fragmented.
  • The methods for scoring and the weighting and aggregation of the results are not transparent.
  • Scoring the same network with different scoring methods might provide different results.
  • Optimizations in the network might affect every scoring methodology differently.

The ETSI STQ group completed the harmonization process and released the technical report TR 103 559 “Best practices for robust network QoS benchmark testing and ranking” in August 2019.

The NPS methodology according to ETSI

The NPS methodology according to ETSI

Weighting and aggregating regional scores to a countrywide network score

Weighting and aggregating regional scores to a countrywide network score

Scoring mobile networks

Level 1: The basis of the NPS scoring methodology is the QoE measurement of common applications. What drives QoE of a service? What are its dimensions? Most services have three dimensions affecting end-user quality of experience:

  • Service availability: Can the user access the service?
  • Waiting time: How long is the acceptable duration and patience for downloading a web page, connecting a call or starting a video?
  • Quality of the media: Does the quality meet the user’s expectation?

In a first step, these dimensions and technical KPIs are transformed into a common, comparable metric to aggregate them to a “per service” performance. This scaling also considers saturation in perception, meaning that it makes no sense to report the differences in a technical performance where the difference is not perceived by the users.

Level 2: These “per service” performance figures are then further aggregated by certain weights and aggregated to a score describing the network’s performance, for example in a specific region.

Level 3: The regional performance scores can be weighted again, for example by population density over all regions, and aggregated to an overall score for the whole network.

Maximized QoE via an optimized network

This scoring methodology together with the details from the multi-dimensional QoE evaluation, including the perceptual impact, provide a guideline for MNOs to optimize their networks effectively. Knowing the actual vs. the maximum achievable points per test category/service/region/technology etc. provides insight into the potential and the concrete area for network optimization.

This is in particular important because resources and investments for network optimization are often limited. Knowing exactly what to optimize and how to achieve the most significant improvements gives mobile operators a competitive edge. In essence, the standardized Network Performance Score (NPS) methodology is the glue between benchmarking campaigns and targeted network optimization activities.

Planning for 5G success in Sub-Saharan Africa

Saturday, January 8th, 2022

Planning for 5G success in Sub-Saharan Africa

Blog attributed to GSMA’s Head of Sub Sahara Africa, Angela Wamola

Spectrum planning is key to the successful rollout of mobile services. While the rollout of 5G is only growing, what happens now with spectrum policy will have a massive impact on the success of 5G and its deployment in Sub-Saharan Africa. Forward-thinking governments and regulators across the region have the opportunity to make decisions to help make the most of the prospects 5G offers.

So, what should governments and regulators do next? In a new report, we look at current spectrum assignments and future needs across Sub-Saharan Africa. The report then sets out a roadmap to help governments and regulators enable 5G in the most efficient way possible. It also provides recommendations based on international best practice.

The first step on the path to setting successful 5G spectrum policy is the development of a spectrum roadmap that, step-by-step, sets out a plan from spectrum band possibilities to spectrum awards. Importantly, although the steps may be the same for every country, the detailed activities and timing under each may vary. A vital part of the roadmap process is spectrum clearance and defragmentation. Consultations with all parties during the process are, therefore, critical for success.

One country off to a good start is Nigeria. With its recently launched national policy for 5G, the country has pledged to make 600 MHz of mid-band spectrum available in the 3.5 GHz range. Support for tech neutral licensing also allows mobile operators to use bands such as 2.3 and 2.6 GHz for 5G when needed. That makes it a role model for other countries in the region.

Getting spectrum valuation right is another key step. A closer look at this has shown that African countries  account for a large proportion of the highest spectrum prices globally, which are strongly linked with limited coverage and lower network speeds. Furthermore, when spectrum prices are adjusted by income, Africa accounts for about half of all the high or extremely high spectrum prices worldwide. Even excluding extreme outliers, spectrum prices remain high. Median prices are four times higher than in high-income countries and twice as high as the global median.

Planning and licensing approaches may vary depending on factors such as (i) the density of mobile use in the country,(ii) the current development of 3G and 4G, (ii) and the plan on moving incumbents to alternative frequency bands or technologies

For already assigned spectrum, it may be necessary to realign the band assignments to provide contiguous ranges. Spectrum with technology neutral licensing is also critical for a faster 5G adoption, when it is time, in order to maximise spectrum efficiency.

At the end of 2020, 303 million people across Sub-Saharan Africa were connected to the mobile internet, equivalent to 28 per cent of the population, according to “The Mobile Economy – Sub-Saharan Africa 2021” report. With digital services set to be at the heart of a post-pandemic world, the urgency to bring unconnected communities online, particularly vulnerable groups such as women, has never been greater.

The integration of 5G into lives and work has the potential to impact African communities and economies even more than previous generations. But not all 5G networks are equal, and the right policies can help governments and regulators to make the most of them, both now and in the future.

The report is available for download here.

Planning for 5G success in Sub-Saharan Africa

FCC Announces Inquiry Into 911 Location Accuracy Compliance

Saturday, April 3rd, 2021
  • Full Title: FCC Acting Chairwoman Announces Inquiry Into Wireless Providers’ Compliance With 911 Location Accuracy Rules
  • Document Type(s): Statement
  • Bureau(s): Enforcement, Public Safety and Homeland Security, Media Relations

The FCC announced that the its Enforcement Bureau is conducting an inquiry into several wireless providers’ compliance with FCC rules that require them to start delivering 911 callers’ vertical location information by April 3, 2021


5G mmWave could lift users out of the ‘public Wi-Fi slow lane

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

5G mmWave could lift users out of the ‘public Wi-Fi slow lane,’ reports Opensignal

Data shows that mmWave 5G is nearly thirty times faster than public Wi-Fi

According to recent Opensignal data, 5G mmWave and public Wi-Fi are nearly matched in availability. However, smartphone users experienced download speeds 30 times faster when connected to 5G mmWave than when connected to public Wi-Fi, achieving an average upload speed of 640.5 Mbps.

The Opensignal statement, written by Opensignal’s Analysis Team Lead Ian Fogg, highlighted three explanations for why public Wi-Fi is so inferior to mmWave. The first is interference from competing signals, which is a result of Wi-Fi’s use of unlicensed spectrum that anyone can use. As a result, an area likely to be congested, like a café or transportation hub, will suffer from multiple Wi-Fi networks competing, in an unmanaged way, for the same wireless frequencies, creating interference.

In addition, public Wi-Fi can also be hindered by slow wired broadband foundations that were installed years prior and never upgraded, resulting in slower speeds for users.

Lastly, Opensignal stated that, because public Wi-Fi hotspots are offered for free, most of these Wi-Fi access points are not of particularly high quality. Inside a home, however, these access points will typically be upgraded by ISPs.

While not as impressive, 5G sub 6 GHz also proved to be faster than public Wi-Fi, with an average download speed of 31.4 Mbps and upload speed of 14.1 Mbps, compared to public Wi-Fi’s 21.9 Mbps and 11.2 Mbps, respectively. But even more validating than 5G’s dominance over public Wi-Fi, is the fact that 4G only achieved an average upload speed of 8.0 Mbps, demonstrating 5G’s superiority over the previous generation of cellular.

Fogg stated that Wi-Fi will continue to have value in the home, at offices and in public spaces, the firm also stated that it will increasingly be seen as a complement to cellular services, but not because of the speeds it can offer. Instead, Wi-Fi will be considered “the free or cheap option” of the option that has better device support over those that “lack the necessary cellular hardware.”

“Device makers that include 5G cellular connectivity […] can lift many more users out of the public Wi-Fi slow lane,” wrote Fogg.


Catherine Sbeglia

Catherine is a Technology Editor for RCR Wireless News, Enterprise IoT Insights, and In-Building Technology. Before joining Arden Media, she served as an Associate Editor in Advantage Business Marketing’s Manufacturing and Research & Development Groups. She studied English and Film & Media Studies at The University of Rochester. She currently lives in Madison, WI. Having already lived on both coasts, she thought she’d give the middle a try. So far, she likes it very much.

Next-gen wireless options: Wi-Fi 6, 5G or private 5G?

Monday, March 22nd, 2021

As Wi-Fi and 5G technology improve to support higher bandwidth and more users per access point, enterprises need to look deeper to decide which best meets their needs.



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